Angus visiting Falklands battlefields by pony (poor pony, I hear you say!) In the highly unlikely event of me winning the lottery (well, I'd have to buy a ticket .... and that's pretty unlikely in the first place!). I'd be severely tempted to pack a rucksack and head off, in no particular direction, with a platinum credit card in my back pocket for the odd decent hotel (and a warm bath!), and just see where the mood takes me from day to day. So there will be favorite guides and travel links and a few photos from past trips here......eventually! In the meantime, have a look at Gavin's awesome pictures from a recent flight south of the Falklands.... There are many minefields in the Falklands, left over from the Argentinean invasion. P.S. I should warn you, I have 100's of penguin photographs...... yipee! says Mr Penguin...............
![]() | RAC euro route finder, for planning trips to the UK etc. |
![]() | Falk German route planner, in German, but better maps. |
![]() | Deutche Bahn train times, in English, covers all of Europe and is easier to use for the UK than the Railtrack one! |
The official Expo 2000 Hannover site, in English.
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This page was last updated on 07/22/00 .
My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.